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Complete List of Characters :

Adam Strange Anarchist Angel
Ant Man Aqualad Aquaman
Astroman Bat-Mite Batgirl
Batman Beast Big Guy
Bigby Black Canary Blackbolt
Bloke Captain America Captain Atom
Captain Marvel Catwoman Cyclops
Dagger Dead Girl Doom Patrol
Doop Dr. Egon Boiffard Dr. Gillespie Flem
Dr. Strange El Guapo Enchantress
Flash Green Lantern Grendel
Gwen Stacy Hawkeye Hawkman
Hellboy Henrietta Hunter Hourman
Human Torch Iceman Invisible Woman
Iron Fist Iron Man IT Girl
Joe (Josephine) Lombard Joker Juggernaut
Kid Flash Kitty Pryde Kraven
Kursk Legion of Super-Heroes Loki
Madman Magneto Martian Manhunter
Marvel Girl Mephisto Metal Man
Metamorpho Monstadt Mott
Mr. Fantastic Mr. Gum Nick Fury
Nightcrawler Nova Orphan (Mr. Sensitive)
Phat Power Girl Professer X
Red Rocket Red Rocket 7 Robin
Sandman Scarlet Witch Shade: The Changing Man
Shang-Chi Silver Surfer Snow White
Speedy Spider-Man Stardust
Supergirl Superman The Atomics
The Moth The Riddler The Spirit
The Thing Thor U-Go Girl
Ultron Venom Venus Dee Milo
Vivisector Wolverine Wonder Girl
Wonder Woman

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